Skeletons in My Closet


So here’s the real epiphany to come out of the ladies’ clothing swap I hosted a few weeks ago at my house. I have a lot of horrendously boring clothing.

Laugh-out-loud boring.

Kill-you-with-kindness boring.

Stench of 1995 boring.

I mean, bags of it. Of black pants, and white shells and — gasp! — sweater vests and all sorts of things that I used to wear at my office job at the German Embassy but, which have been dying a slow death in my closet for the past four years.

Perhaps I am an awful friend for trying to lob these staid skeletons off on my friends, but that’s what I did. I wrote about the experience in this month’s Desperately Seeking Salem column over at Salem Monthly.

I invited women from different cubby holes of my Salem life — only two of them knew each other — to bring their own cast-offs and trade for new ones. Anything left at the end of the night I was taking to the Salvation Army.

Here’s what I learned about how to have a clothing swap:

1. Keep it smallish. Nine women in one room is just about the perfect number for a swap; anything more than that and you might as well be at the Goodwill Bins.

2. Invite the ladies — or dudes — to share a story about one of their cast-offs. Every garment has a story.

3. Like all charitable donations, clothing swap are equal parts altruism and greed. I felt good dropping off the bag of clothes at the Salvation Army, but I knew the real benefit for myself was in getting to know these ladies as a group, ridding myself of my boring former self, and achieving the catharsis of a good closet clean-out.

4. Don’t let your husband come. Mine had gone out to Noble’s Tavern, his new dive hangout, with a friend, but returned to find a pile of clothing the size of a three-year-old on our living room floor.  He then went through every single item saying: “This is cute, this would look great on you, are you sure you don’t want this?”  I am married to a champion rummager.

5. My new friends in Salem are awesome.

5 Responses to “Skeletons in My Closet”

  1. Alicia Cox Says:

    Hi Emily, great story and picture! I really enjoyed the clothing swap and meeting all of you. I nice welcome to Salem I must say. I did finally find work at a real estate office in town. Part time which is perfect for me. Hope all is well, and thanks again for having me at your “party”.


  2. DancingMooney ♥ Says:

    I had so much fun, and it was nice to get out and meet a few gals from the hood too. ♥

    Thanks for posting this, I’ll be linking it back to my blog soon…

  3. Karen Says:

    Nobles really is the local dive bar hangout. . . and not only for Adam, apparently! 😉
    Swap was fun, we should do something similar, soon. Perhaps with baby theme. New baby, theme. Anyone with me?

  4. Emily Grosvenor Says:

    Yeah, Karen, I kind of can’t believe that Adam went out to a bar and knew half the people there. One small drink for Adam, one giant leap for our feeling fully ensconced in Salem’s social structure…

    Do you really have baby stuff to swap already? I’m thinking books. If I can bring myself to part with any other them.

  5. Karen Says:

    No, I definitely have zero baby stuff. I was thinking more of a baby shower theme. 🙂 non-swap. party.

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